Allegheny City Society program to focus on “The Girl with the Radish Bouquet”
Many years ago a box of old photographs left from the Woods Run Settlement House was rescued from the garbage bin. Hidden in this collection was the fascinating picture of a young woman holding a bouquet of radishes. Her identity remains a mystery. Because this cache of images helps tell the story of the Woods Run Settlement House and the surrounding neighborhood, the photo may have been a of a daughter of a Slovak, Ukranian or Russian family who immigrated to Allegheny City and settled in the City’s 9th Ward (Western Manchester, Woods Run and Verner) during the closing decades of the 19th century.
On Monday, March 23rd, the Allegheny City Society will be presenting a program focusing on the immigrant communities with roots in Eastern and Southern Europe that settled in Allegheny’s 8th and 9th Wards. The program will explore the ethnic diversity in these working class neighborhoods. The program will be held in the social hall of the Holy Ghost Bysantine Catholic Church on Superior Avenue in Brightwood. The church and social hall are located on Superior Avenue just above the intersection of Superior and California Avenues. A wonderful dinner of Slovak specialties will precede the program.
One of the missions of the Allegheny City Society is to preserve and interpret the history of Allegheny City and the North Side. At this program the Society will have scanners available to make digital copies of any images that folks will bring to the program. These images might be family photos, congregational histories and/or fraternal programs that will help the Society to tell the story of the Polish, Czech, Croatian, Slovak, Russian, Italian, Lithuanian, Greek and Ruthenian families who lived near the factories and rail yards of the eastern and western sections of Allegheny City.
Any and all folks interested in this program should note the following information and call for a reservation:
Date and Time: Monday, March 23rd, 2003
Dinner at: 6:00 PM
Place: Holy Ghost Byzantine Catholic Church Social Hall
1437 Superior Ave, Brightwood
Price: Dinner and Program: $15.
For Reservations, call:
Ruth McCartan 412-364-6132
John and Ann Canning 412-322-3974