April 25, 2012

Allegheny City Society Annual Meeting

The Allegheny City Society Board of Directors is pleased to announce that the
Annual Meeting of the Allegheny City Society will be held on Wednesday, April 25, 2012
in the Magovern Conference Center (Second Floor) at Allegheny General Hospital.

A buffet dinner will begin at 6:00 p.m. with a business meeting and program immediately following. The 2012 William Rimmel Award will be presented and many, many important announcements for the upcoming business year will be made. Please, come join in the fun and meet fellow Society members and friends who hold dear the memory of former Allegheny City and the present North Side. So many wonderful developments are happening. You will not want to miss it!!

Reservations for the dinner and program may be made by mail, by email and by telephone. The cost of the evening is $25.00 which includes everything–dinner, a great program, parking, and a great North Side space–the Allegheny General Hospital.

Please place your reservation and get more information at one of these places:

Allegheny City Society, P. O. Box 100255, Pittsburgh, PA, 15233


Ruth McCartan, (412) 364-6132<