Meet at 6:30 at the parking lot across McClure Avenue from the Young Brothers Bar
1441 Woods Run Avenue, Pittsburgh, PA

Woods Run Settlement House 1921
Come see the lost sites of St. John’s Hospital, Schwerd’s Column plant and Woods Run Settlement House (pictured above, thanks to Historic Pittsburgh.) The work of notable architects Alden, Harlow, Longfellow, and Scheibler still stand. Western Penitentiary is now closed and the inmates are gone, but plans are afoot to transform it into river front property. The walk will be level on city sidewalks. You may use the parking lot at the corner of McClure and Woods Run Avenue.
We will meet across McClure Avenue from the Young Brothers Bar.
Woods Run was once a densely inhabited community of working and middle class families. Urban renewal has since applied some negative impact. Today the neighborhood is being rediscovered by businesses and home owners alike.
Please donate if you can to help pay for these summer tours by going to: